Arragements and compositions
Driven by the need to create music for the bands and projects I've played in, I discovered a true passion for arranging and composing for various instrumental groups. I love translating music originally written for other instruments and blending classical music with styles like folk and jazz. Nowadays, I not only write music for my own projects but also take on commissions.
On.Cello - 10 pieces for cello solo based on Keltic music styles

*On.Cello* is an exploration of the possibilities the cello holds within various folk music styles, particularly from the rich Galician and Celtic musical traditions. The goal of these pieces is to contribute to the growth of the solo cello repertoire, striving to stay close to the original sounds of these folk music styles, while developing expressiveness and stylistic elements rooted in classical tradition and its techniques. All the pieces are arranged with the aim of creating polyphonies, requiring the musician to be aware that two or more voices are often played simultaneously. Additionally, the intention is to reproduce the sounds of other folk instruments, such as the bagpipes, hurdy-gurdy, tambourine, harp, vocal music, and, of course, the fiddle. This collection of music is partly based on existing melodies, alongside new material. All arrangements and compositions are drawn from the versions recorded on the album *On.Cello - tones & tunes*, recorded in Neerkant, Netherlands, in February 2021.
Leerorkest Drechtsteden - Arrangements for the 4-Year Learning Track

With Leerorkest Drechtsteden, children discover the magic of music and the excitement of making music together. The 4-Year Learning Track consists of 20 pieces through which students learn to play an instrument in an orchestral setting. The arrangements are written for violin, cello, clarinet, flute, trumpet, trombone, percussion, and independent teacher parts.
String Quartet

B. Bartók: -Allegro Barbaro, BB 63 -Three Hungarian Folk Songs from Csík, Sz. 35a D. Shostakovich: -Dances of the dolls L. Janáček: -Three Moravian Folk Dances -Intimate Sketches J. S. Bach: From Matthaüs Passion -Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben -Erbame Dich -Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder -Kommt, ihr Töchter, helft mir klagen -So ist mein Jesus nun gefangen - Sind Blitze, sind Donner in Wolken verschwunden (Film Music) -Cantina Band (Star Wars) - John Williams (Pop) -Ne me quitte pas - Jacques Brel -Africa - Toto -Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen -Happy Together - The Turtles -Rolling in the Deep - Adele (Folk and World Music) -Riverdance - Bill Whelan -Galician Carol (Panxoliña para o nadal de 1829) - Traditional -Himno Galego - P. Veiga -Oud Hollandsche Boerenliedjes en Contradansen - based on Julius Röntgen version (1897) -Oud Nederlandse Instrumentaalstukken - based on J.Wagenaar's arrangements for organ (1920) Jazz -On the sunny side of the street - Jimmy McHugh
Violin & Cello Duo

B. Bartók: -Romanian Folk Dances Sz. 56 D. Shostakovich: -24 Preludes op. 34 (selection of 14 preludes) (Tango) -Adios Nonino – A. Piazzolla -Libertango – A. Piazzolla -El día que me quieras – C. Gardel (Folk/World Music) -Besame Mucho – Consuelo Velasquez -Gracias a la vida – Violeta Parra -Chan Chan – Compay Segundo -Manha de Carnaval – Luiz Bonfa
Cello Duo

(Folk and World Music) -A Bruxa / Muiñeira de Chantada – Antón Seoane / Traditional -Baila Nena / Muiñeira de Bergantiños – Traditional / Emilio Corral -Adios Nonino – A. Piazzolla -Besame Mucho – Consuelo Velasquez -Gracias a la vida – Violeta Parra -Chan Chan – Compay Segundo -Manha de Carnaval – Luiz Bonfa
Cello Ensemble

(Folk) -Tres temas populares galegos (Camariñas, Aires de Pontevedra, Muiñira de Ponte Sampaio) – Traditional Galicia -Galician Carol (Panxoliña para o nadal de 1829) - Traditional (Pop) -Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen -We are the champions (cello divisi) - Queen -My heart will go on – James Horner -Sweet child o’mine – Guns and Roses -What a Wonderful world (with Soprano) - Bob Thiele and George David Weiss